This is the not so exciting story of how I DIDN'T go to church on Sunday morning and instead ate quiche and fried potatoes and laid around and watched Katy Perry's "Part of Me" on Netflix.
This was never the way I planned. Not my intention.
All along the plan was to go to church.
But the week got away from me and suddenly Saturday night was here and I didn't have a church picked out.
I decided not to worry about it and headed out to see my friend's band play at The Firebird. The whole night is a blacked out blur, but I'm pretty sure it ruled.
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Check out The Lonely Wild. They rock! |
Sunday morning at 8:00 I got up and shook the glitter off my clothes. My first thought was "Crap. I still don't have a church." My second thought was "Meh. Who cares?" I was on the fence about attending church. Maybe I can go to an evening service? Maybe I'll just go during the week? I kept changing my mind like a girl changes clothes. I attempted to google some church ideas, but nothing looked appealing or started a convenient time.
My options were running low. I turned to my friends for help.
My Friends' Ideas for How I Could "Go to Church" Without Actually Going to Church:
1. Have sex so amazing that I see God.
2. Take a hallucinogen and go to a whole other world, a different dimension.
3. Hold my own church service.
4. Pray over breakfast.
5. Frolic in nature and call it church.
I'll admit they had some good ideas. But, I can't write about illegal things so #2 was out. My father reads this blog (and by that I mean my mother prints it out for him and he reads it off paper) so there goes #1 or at least writing about #1. Praying over breakfast wasn't churchy enough to "count". It was rather humid on Sunday so #5 didn't sound fun and I didn't have the strength or creative capacity for #3.
It was now 10:00 am. After my delicious breakfast of bacon and cheddar quiche, fried potatoes and strawberries I sat down and tried to find a loophole in this whole church journey.
**Sidebar. I made 3 meals this week. Real meals. Grown up meals. From scratch - mostly. And they were tasty. Brown sugar chicken wings with roasted red pepper and goat cheese dipping sauce, salmon cakes with shallots and dill and roasted brussel sprouts, and then the quiche I mentioned above. There is a part of me that is a total Suzy Homemaker. And it's a part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me. Why would you want to? I make killer pie! **
My search for a loophole led me back to the Internet. I searched out various definitions of church hoping I would find some answers there. ****Spoiler**** I didn't.
Various Definitions of Church I Found on The Internet:
1. (noun) A building used for public Christian worship.
2. (noun) A place of worship
3. (verb) Take (a woman who has recently given birth) to church for a service of thanksgiving.
4. (noun) Institutionalized religion as a political or social force.
5. To strongly agree as if it were law.
Example: Player 1: "Look at the junk in her trunk, I'd tap that ass"
Player 2: "Church!"
(Verbatim from Urban Dictionary - a real gem of an Internet resource.)
I gave up. When I started this journey I promised myself I wouldn't just skip out of laziness, but that was then and this is now. I didn't go to church. It just wasn't going to happen and not because the Internet failed me, but because I didn't really want to go.
What I really wanted was a lazy Sunday. You know, like that Andy Samberg video (google it)? I wanted a be-dirty-gross-stay-in-your-jammies-until-NOON-and-lie-on-the-couch-all-day-snuggling-and-eating-snacks-while-watching-documentaries-about-pop-stars kind of Sunday. So....that's what I did.
Netflix can be like a rabbit hole. You start with curious intentions. Just want to peek and see what this dark thing is all about. Then suddenly you are flying through the Abyss of 80's movies and food documentaries and episodes of That 70's Show confused and bewildered but (kind of) enjoying the ride. So...I was falling hard and I was in the dark but I landed on my feet in a strange uncertain place called Katy Perry's Part of Me documentary.
My first few minutes in this strange land full of bright blue wigs and glitter rainbows were terrifying. How did I get here? Is this really happening? What have I become? Then I let go. I gave myself completely over to Katy and her story of struggle and triumph. I found myself singing along to The One That Got Away - my favorite Katy Perry song. I found myself crying right along with Katy when her marriage to Russell Brand crumbled on the same night as her biggest show. (I mean that literally. I literally cried. Truthfully, I cried 3 times during the whole documentary and I'm not ashamed.) I found myself giggling with glee when she invited this rather strange man in a leotard and blue wig to dance with her on stage. I enjoyed every bloody second of that documentary. Seriously. Loved it. I want to see her in concert. I also want to have tea in a room with and you'll understand. (Anyone know how we can open a Tea with Cats room here in the states? Anyone?)
That's it. That was my Sunday. I watched movies and ate stuff and laid around. It was like a teenage dream. I'm not going to try and create any morals or life lessons of pearls of wisdom from this Sunday experience. Am I sad I missed out on church this week? Nope. No regrets, just love. It's been awhile since I took a day to do nothing of any value. So, it was much needed and greatly enjoyed.
Now I feel rested and ready to take on yet another very busy chaotic week. But no worries, after a hurricane comes a rainbow. We are fireworks! So, let's go out there and let our colors burst! Make em' go "oh"! Leave em' all in awe! (Like I wouldn't leave you with some kind of cheese. Please.) BOOM!
*10 points to your house of choice for finding all the Katy Perry references in today's post..